Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Good Friends

Sunday, it started to get cold...
Monday was miserable. It was dark, cloudy, cold and then it snowed/slushed/rained thing....
Today and the rest of this week will be the same; No higher than the 40's and chance of more snow all week along with piercing winds, no sunlight and cloudy skies. It's so cold, I'm wearing a coat inside the house even though the heat is on.... I haven't gotten much sleep either, but that's another story/rant for another time.

I've tried to find something positive to say. I've tried to find something positive to think about, but whenever I do, it either makes me hate this place even more or gets me even more depressed. I'm tired a lot more than usual and I'm starting to lack motivation to do anything again. No motivation for art, cooking, archery, music or even working out. I think I'm burnt out.

The only thing I can really say I'm looking forward to this week is leaving Thursday to go to Utah. I have responsibilities to church and so I'm stressed out trying to finish things before Sunday, but then again another half of me just wants to say "who cares, they can deal with it"... I know...

I can't wait to see my friends who are in Utah. Especially if I can visit with "Alasse". I miss her a lot. I miss being able to talk to her a lot too. I miss going to the Jones' Clan every so often and going hiking about 2-3 times a month. I miss their parties and their camp outs, jeeping and the obnoxiousness of their fun family. I can't wait to see them again and be able to party this weekend with them and to go there for Thanksgiving too. I'll get to see my old Japan Mission companions this weekend too, which will be nice because I so miss speaking Japanese more than anything. 

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