Tuesday, August 30, 2016


So this weekend was my birthday! YAY! For the longest time I didn't like my birthday because it was always the week of the first day of school. Not exactly how I would want to spend my birthday right? Ugh. At least this year it was on a Friday! AND (another good thing about being in Idaho) I had friends to celebrate with! Although it was hectic and a little stressful getting everyone together and making sure Boy got his homework done... I'm glad I got to see some friends. Not only that but I got some awesome presents!!

My friends from Utah came up, which was exciting. They are like my family away from family. When I first started school Jekka was my room mate and I soon after became her mom's first "adopted" daughter. So they came up, we made a bunch of noise late into the night and then went to The Snakebite which is THE best burger place EVER. If you want to contest that, be my guest! I have yet to find a place that is even remotely as good of a burger as The Snakebite. Not just the burgers, but the salads, fries, onion rings and even steak is delicious. Maybe because the meat literally lives down the street? I had the Cowboy Burger. It's probably my new favorite next to their signature burger. Oh and I got surprised with some chocolate cake! Oh my goodness!!! I haven't had chocolate cake that moist and delicious since The Big Daddy Chocolate Cake from Firebirds. Yum!

So my friends were all able to come and I finally was able to meet their new adorable babies. I got an awesome Eevee Pokemon evolution keychain and a handmade clay keychain of Kate a Bate! It's so stinkin cute!

Isn't it so cute?!

I also got some amazing things from family. Boy got me a Square device so that I can take cards when I set up a booth at a con or craft fair, and the parents bought me some awesome stuff I wanted from Amazon. I GOT A NESSIE LADLE! 

All in all, it wasn't a bad birthday. I think the best one was the surprise Harry Potter Birthday Boy did for me. It really was awesome being he is a muggle and all... That boy is the best when he actually plans. Haha. 

That's all I got today. It's been pretty busy as I try to motivate myself to finish unpacking and cleaning up the apartment. Hopefully I can get some sort of routine here soon. Until next week!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

1 year and 8 months later...

Hi again. I started this blog a while ago as an idea to try to motivate myself to think positive. I only allowed myself to write positive posts about things I loved about the situations I was in even if I did not care for where I was and felt like I was having a difficult time. I can confidently say that I feel because of this blog, I think more positively all the time now! I mean sure I have my downs, but I try my best to make good of whatever situation I am in now.

 It took me a long time to get adjusted to life in Idaho... It's dry, it's a desert, there's not much green and there's A LOT of snow. Not exactly this tropical southern girl's ideal situation. However, I was able to focus on the positive, ended up taking some classes and eventually we moved! Yup! Boy graduated from BYU-Idaho and got a job in Texas! So we moved to Austin. Our apartment was small, still a 1 bedroom and man is traffic terrible there... However, if you are a foodie person, Austin is the place to be. Wow! Torchy's Tacos will forever have a place in my heart. Yum! It was a fun experience to be in Austin and I thoroughly enjoyed spending almost everyday at the pool in the sunlight. Loved it!

Well, another adventure has come our way and Boy has gotten accepted into a masters program at ISU. Yup. Back to Idaho in the most dinky little town called Pocatello. Locals here call it Pokey. I'm proud of him. I am. Boy is super smart and so we are all very happy for this opportunity... but back to Idaho?? They say you can't keep an Idahoan out of Idaho for long and though this Boy grew up in Tennessee... I think he's already spent so much of his time here that he's become... "one of them"... Haha.

I can't say I'm too happy about being back here... It's already too cold for me and it's only August. The berries and mangos are high-priced and our apartment is in some white trash part of town. *sigh* We've been trying to make the most of it, but it's tough being back. It's rough moving so much period! However, I've been trying to make the most of it and have been able to find a few positive things to keep me on the up and up.

1. Though our apartment is small, it's a 2-bedroom. This means.... CRAFT ROOM!!!! I finally have my own craft room! It's been interesting trying to find a space for everything we have with us, but I don't even care because I have a room dedicated to where I will let my creative juices flow! A place where fairies can model as I draw them, where I can sew cosplays and crafts and where I can paint from the light of a window! It has a window too! It's the little things...

2. Zoi yogurt. When we moved to Texas I realized that Zoi does not exist outside of Winco Foods in Idaho. (Not sure if it's anywhere else yet) Zoi is the best greek yogurt I have ever had. Thanks Syd for introducing me to it. I hate greek yogurt unless it's cooked into things, but dang! Zoi is freaking delicious! I stocked the fridge already. Can't wait for lunch tomorrow!

3. Friends. I think this is the best part that made this move a little easier. (I intentionally tried to delay packing because I did NOT want to come back...) On the drive up we saw many of our friends which was super nice. I've missed them! Texas was awesome, but I had... 2 friends. They were sweet and I will miss them though. I can't wait until next weekend when I'll get to see more friends for my birthday at the most awesome burger place ever, The Snakebite! I have yet to eat a burger as good as a Snakebite burger. Delish!

So I guess that's actually 4, but that's good right?! I hope that I can write here more often. Not just because I'm all sad and depressed and forcing happy thoughts, but because this is actually a blog where I can look back and read previous entries and not want to burn and destroy them! I have to figure out how to do pictures and everything again though since apparently Google has changed their outlook here...