Often times, whenever we have a break, we like to venture south and have fun with friends. This time, we actually got to spend time with family too! Sisters, nieces and nephew all came in and we had a little family reunion together. I think we all had a good time exploring the area and having fun in the museums around the local campus with the kids.
Look at them cute siblings!
Watch out Abigail! Hippos are one of the deadliest animals!
There was a camp going on at the campus during the time we were there. It was kinda funny to watch these teens all run around the college campus with their groups and bags and lanyards. Since Boy and I met at one of these camps, we eventually came to this campus and had to re-live the picture that was taken almost 11 years ago? Something like that....
Before (sitting on the ground eating lunch)
After (the ground was wet...)
After walking around, we of course had to stop by See's Candies. It's a treat since we can't get See's down south or really anywhere else we are. Haha. 20 scotchmellows please!
After family left, we made our way with some friends to Zion's National Park to hike the narrows. We didn't really get to hike the full Narrows due to rain and threatening flash floods, but we did hike from the bottom about 5 miles in to Big Springs and back down.
By the time we got to Big Springs, it started to hail and rain a little. The water level started rising and by the time we got to the end of the trail, there was a sign posted...
Oh deer! (Haha!) It was totally worth the hike. AND! The best part was I wasn't sore the next day! Usually after doing that hike, you are completely wiped out. (Granted we only did 11 miles, not the whole 18 miles...) Still! I'd been working out and training myself to do this hike, and I did it! Now if I can only stay in shape and keep working out.... Motivation?
The next day, we decided to take it easy and work on our Junior Ranger badges. I want to try and go to as many National Parks as I can and get all the Junior Ranger badges. Make a scrapbook out of it all. I think that would be pretty fun to do. It's always fun doing the easy little booklets and going on adventures, learning with the rangers, etc. Now I have two so far that Boy and I have done together to add to our family "Adventure Book".
Until the next big adventure! (Comic Con)